Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Way of Life in Nicaragua Essay -- Geography

Way of Life in Nicaragua to the highest degree Nicaraguans are mestizos. That is that they have washrag andIndian ancestors. Their way of spirit is somewhat similar to that of SpanishAmericans in other Central American countries. Most people belong to theRoman Catholic Church and speak Spanish. Most of Nicaraguas people arepoor farmers. Many of those in the Pacific Region are peasants who work ontheir own farms, cooperatives, put up farms, or large underground farms. Inwarmer areas, agriculture workers live in metal roofed houses. In thecolder areas of the Central Highlands, they live in adobe brick houses with tileroofs. The only Indian groups in Nicaragua that follow their own languagesand their old ways of life are in the thinly populated Caribbean Region. Inthe aboriginal 1980s some of these Indians became involved in anti-governmentthings. Because of this, the government moved some Indian groups fromtheir homes near the border to areas in the interior of N icaragua. Education Nicaragua has a law that requires children to go t... Way of Life in Nicaragua Essay -- GeographyWay of Life in Nicaragua Most Nicaraguans are mestizos. That is that they have white andIndian ancestors. Their way of life is somewhat similar to that of SpanishAmericans in other Central American countries. Most people belong to theRoman Catholic Church and speak Spanish. Most of Nicaraguas people arepoor farmers. Many of those in the Pacific Region are peasants who work ontheir own farms, cooperatives, state farms, or large private farms. Inwarmer areas, agriculture workers live in metal roofed houses. In thecolder areas of the Central Highlands, they live in adobe houses with tileroofs. The only Indian groups in Nicaragua that follow their own languagesand their old ways of life are in the thinly populated Caribbean Region. Inthe early 1980s some of these Indians became involved in anti-governmentthings. Because of this, the government moved some Indian groups fromtheir homes near the border to areas in the interior of Nicaragua. Education Nicaragua has a law that requires children to go t...

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